"The Office" is "Taxi"?
So last night I was watching some TiVoed "The Office" episoded, US not UK. I usually skip the opening credits, but Matt was controlling the TiVo so he let them run.
During the opening music, I felt a weird nostalgic feeling. As a kid, whenever I would hear the "Taxi" theme song, I would feel horribly sad--and I still feel that way when I hear it. It's the same with "The Office" theme song, it just makes me want to bust into tears--even though I find the show comical, same as "Taxi"
Then upon further reflection I realized that there are even more similarities--crazy boss (Louie dePalma vs. Michael Scott), budding relationship (Alex and Elaine vs. Pam and Jim), bizarro co-worker (Reverend Jim vs. Dwight)...
Next time you watch "The Office" see if you agree.