I saw Duran Duran yesterday, not on Broadway as I had planned, but at the Roseland Ballroom. The show was fabulous...three acts of great madness. The boys first played the new album in its entirety. As we already know the first three singles rock (Nite Runner, Skin Divers, & Falling Down) but the song Box Full O'Honey must be skipped and never listened to, ever. You will thank me. Dancing all night long with no complaints from any random strangers was a relief. No fighting necessary Lyn. Following a brief intermission my boys came out for a techno set (probably my favorite) with such fantastic versions of I Don't Want Your Love and All She Wants Is and the best cover of "Warm Leatherette" I've ever heard. Nothing but the best was left for the end of the night; The Reflex, Notorious, Planet Earth shattered all previous live versions I've heard before.
Simon sadly moves like a lame old man on stage; Elvis-style karate kicks and strange hip action, but how can you not love a man who looks so good.
And don't worry about me...they did end the night with Girls on Film.
No matter how hard you try, you'll never be as good as me.
Wow--to close with a GJWTHF reference--nice way to pour salt on the wounds. I'm soo ridiculously jealous.
A few things, Sirius has been all things DD lately and on Friday, Matt and I heard the Honey song--quite possibly one of the worst tunes ever put down. I have enjoyed the other stuff that I've heard though, so I'm mostly counting that song like that on tune on JT's first disc about being green and a martien...
whoa--posted before I was done--I was actually talking about the Martian song
anyway, the other question is whether they played Save a Prayer--which I could picture quite cool in a techno version or Ordinary World, etc. from the 90s version of DD, also a good techno opportunity. Anything from Astronaut? I do actually dig that CD.
How many people were there? Sold out--I mean, damn they were in NYC long enough, but with the venue change did everyone follow?
So many questions and so little time. Here's the set list that I found online and yes I modified it to match my concert...not all shows are created equally.
Red Carpet Massacre Set:
The Valley
Red Carpet Massacre
Nite Runner
Falling Down
Box Full O’ Honey (DON'T LISTEN)
Skin Divers
Tricked Out
Zoom In
She’s Too Much
Dirty Great Monster
Last Man Standing
Techno Set: Costume Change (all black, very robotic) feat. only the main 4...no newbies.
Showroom Dummies
Last Chance on the Stairway
All She Wants Is
Warm Leatherette (SOOO GOOD)
I Don’t Want Your Love
Skin Trade
“Hits” Set: Costume Change (Red Carpet Massacre white button-down w/ skinny tie)
The Reflex
Hungry Like The Wolf
Ordinary World
Planet Earth
A View to a Kill
Encore (Band Intro)
Girls on Film
Show not sold out, but I'm sure the old farts looking to sit for their $300 seats were a bit pissed that they had to stand. Standing room only at the Roseland. My $75 tickets got me next to the sound booth; corner spot lots of dancing room. No complaints and no tall losers in front of me. I was the tall dancing fool in front of the short Jersey girls that made me smile.
DD still had their famous meet/greet in the balcony...real VIP fans are crazy. I love my boys, but please ladies there are better things out there...PRINCE!!
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