Girl Talk at Terminal 5

I got my groove on (Dance Fabulous would have been proud) and have bruises to prove it. I learned that jumping for 30 minutes straight isn't as easy as it used to be, but keeping the appropriate dance space is just as simple as a two person operation. Had my friend Shannon in totes, so we were ready.
For all those hating on Girl Talk the simple truth is the boy knows his music. He's got the new, the old and everything in between; i.e. Kelly Clarkson mashed with Ghostface Killah and EWF.
We skipped the openers, which ended up being the right decision as I've read nothing but crap reviews and my night was better spent watching House on Fox. It was a really good episode.
I want to say I might have even heard a little Michael McDonald.
People might say it's not worth your money watching some dude stare at his computer for 80% of the show while concertgoers dance it up on stage and off. I thought it was great. I wanted more from those involved. I did my part, but being so far in the back I had a hard time proving my ability. If I was on stage I would have given it my all. Unfortunately, those at my concert were too concerned with looking good. The need to be hip hurt us again.
If he comes to your city please check him out, but don't go if you want to stand in the back and drink a beer. You'll end up wet and angry.