Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, March 09, 2009
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Girl Talk at Terminal 5

I got my groove on (Dance Fabulous would have been proud) and have bruises to prove it. I learned that jumping for 30 minutes straight isn't as easy as it used to be, but keeping the appropriate dance space is just as simple as a two person operation. Had my friend Shannon in totes, so we were ready.
For all those hating on Girl Talk the simple truth is the boy knows his music. He's got the new, the old and everything in between; i.e. Kelly Clarkson mashed with Ghostface Killah and EWF.
We skipped the openers, which ended up being the right decision as I've read nothing but crap reviews and my night was better spent watching House on Fox. It was a really good episode.
I want to say I might have even heard a little Michael McDonald.
People might say it's not worth your money watching some dude stare at his computer for 80% of the show while concertgoers dance it up on stage and off. I thought it was great. I wanted more from those involved. I did my part, but being so far in the back I had a hard time proving my ability. If I was on stage I would have given it my all. Unfortunately, those at my concert were too concerned with looking good. The need to be hip hurt us again.
If he comes to your city please check him out, but don't go if you want to stand in the back and drink a beer. You'll end up wet and angry.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
DD Day -- Nov 12th

Nothing but the best was left for the end of the night; The Reflex, Notorious, Planet Earth shattered all previous live versions I've heard before.
And don't worry about me...they did end the night with Girls on Film.
No matter how hard you try, you'll never be as good as me.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Best of 2007
I'm starting to work on my favorite songs of 2007. Now's the time to share any titles you think I should consider before I finalize my picks.
dance fabulous prep
So in doing homework for Dance Fabulous I've been checking out some choreography clips on YouTube.com. Can't wait until we can start doing stuff like this again! Here are my favorites:
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Urgent--fall concert update
I know you are anxiously awaiting my accounts from Day 3 at Lolla--but there is urgent business to take care of--concerts. There are tons and tons of upcoming concerts with more coming everyday. Here's my list as it stands today. '(Costs don't include any of the additional fees.) Let me know what you are interested in:
Monday, August 27 Milwaukee Rufus Wainwright, The Magic Numbers, A Fine Frenzy $40 Pabst
Monday, Sept 4, Chicago, Kaiser Chiefs, White Rabbits, $26, Metro
Tuesday, Sept 11 Milwaukee Bloc Party $23 Pabst Theatre
Wednes, Sept 12 Chicago Arctic Monkeys $27 The Riviera
Saturday, Sept 15 Madison The Sea and the Cake $13 High Noon Saloon
Friday, Sept 28 Madison Ryan Adams $30, The Barrymore
Thur, Oct 4 Madison Suzanne Vega, $25, The Barrymore
Saturday, Oct 6, Twin Cities, Regina Spektor, $22.50, Myth
Mon, Oct 8, Milwaukee Spoon, $18, Pabst Theatre
Friday, Oct 12 Madison Paolo Nutini $25 The Barrymore
Wednesday, Oct 17, Milwaukee New Pornographers, $20 Pabst Theatre
Tuesday or Wed, Oct 30-31, Chicago, The Hold Steady, $20 Metro--on sale 8/25!
Sun or Mon, Nov 18-19, Milwaukee The Decemberist, Riverside Theater ("Long of It") *
11-19 Milwaukee, WI - Riverside Theater ("Short of It")
Get your free Decemberists download by going to http://delivery.capitolmusic.com/artists/the_decemberists/perfect_crime_2_giveaway/index.php
Friday, August 10, 2007
What I learned last night at the Crowded House Concert...
Let me first start by saying that Crowded House is still hot, white hot. And those boys can most certainly rock, case in point "Locked Out" was so tough, crunchy guitar and everything. It was such a fantastic show. The concert was nothing but new material with a few gems mixed in, but they came back for two more sets playing nothing but the hits. This post isn't about the show, it's about the very valuable lesson I learned last night that I wanted to share because it might help you at some point.
A little back story...at 8PM I was still in CT, which was when the concert started, and we weren't going to be leaving any time soon. I made a Production Assistant drive me to the train station (a luxury I have being an APOC) that way I'd at least get to NYC by 9:30PM. By the time I got off the train and subway I arrived at the venue 2 hours late, hoping that I'd only miss a few songs from their set and missing the opener entirely, which was the case. The kicker being, before I left for work yesterday I left the actual concert ticket at my apartment. I called the ticket outlet and they said they'd try to switch my ticket to a will call pickup but with it being the same day they wouldn't guarantee it. They told me to show up at the venue with my ID, Credit Card, and email confirmation. I raced to the concert not even knowing if I'd get in or not.
The lesson is as follows...if you show up at will call, but only after they close, you will find an employee waiting for any last minute arrivals. Start telling her your situation and wave papers in front of her, she won't listen nor would I say care. She just looked at the pile of tickets and gave me the top single ticket and sent me right in. I was prepared to be in the upper balcony, which was where my original ticket was located (I'm cheap). What I discovered when I went to an usher was that I had an Orchestra seat. Yes, Orchestra Seats!! She ushered me to my seat, which ended up being Orchestra Center, Row 3. I was directly in front of the stage, Neil Finn was literally sweating and I could see the beads. When I got home I priced out how much this seat would have cost and I scored for $300 seat for $65.
In conclusion, to score kick ass seats (that you may or may not have purchased) all you have to do is show up late, have an excuse, wave papers (I used my crew list actually), find an employee who doesn't give a shit and you'll end up with Orchestra Center, Row 3 seats. Utterly fantastic.
Lyn you would have been so proud and I even took a picture with my phone to prove my good fortune. Will send it later.