Monday, May 22, 2006

And the award for greatest American rock band goes to...

So this is a continuation of a discussion started on Friday night. Basically, on Friday morning, I saw the Arctic Monkeys video on MTV, which I have already shared. It started me thinking about a Rolling Stone article that said that the Arctic Monkeys could be the new Beatles. I thought how unfair it is to a new bad to put that kind of pressure on them.

Anyway, then I started to think how all the rock & roll bands considered "great" in the US are not from the US. Which then got me thinking...what is the greatest AMERICAN rock & roll band.

My qualifications are that they have to have more than two albums and two recognizable songs. Americans in general should know who they are. They should be something of a concert draw--if they toured and have sustained success--songs that are considered classic. Meaning, if you took them out of the American music cannon, they would be missed by people.

My nominations include The Beach Boys (which seemed widely panned over dinner Friday night), Nirvana, Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles. Others that were thrown into consideration include Bon Jovi and Guns & Roses. There was some argument over what is considered Rock & Roll--are the Beach Boys R&R? Is Guns & Roses R&R or metal?

Your thoughts?


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Breeze said...

I'd throw Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers in for consideration. (Or, "T.P. and the 'Breakers" for those who try to hard to be hip.)
Also, since they're playing together this summer, Pearl Jam is a worthy nominee. T.P. and the Breakers gets my vote though.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

After an in-depth discussion at work, the following were tossed in: Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers, The Doors, and Credeence. (I can't remember if these were brought up Friday. I'm sure it has nothing to do with beverages consumed.)

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I forgot to add the Dead...

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Lyn said...

hmmm...I'm not sure what to say about Tom Petty as we had discuss Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band but decided he was really a solo artist with a backing band. I wonder if T.P. is in the same category...whatd'ya all think?

Pearl Jam is tough because they don't really have singles, but maybe I'm being too tough in my guidelines.

Creedence, I would entertain. Southern rock bands seem a little regional to me. The Doors I think are British. And the Dead...I don't know.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Lyn said...

Whoa! My apologies-just found out the Doors are truly American. I thought because Jim Morrison was buried in Europe, he was from there. So Doors is back on the list!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger alyson said...

Final answer... Aerosmith.
Thanks for playing.

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Aerosmith on this list? Hello?

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Lyn said...

Oh man! Aerosmith...I guess they have the longevity, definitely rock and roll...they've got the whole sex, drugs part covered too. Love in an Elevator though. I hate to reward a band with that in their cannon. Probably a better choice than Bon Jovi...whoa--could we have a winner here?!


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